Saturday 22 October 2011

AED: The Most Valuable Investment You'll Ever Make

!±8± AED: The Most Valuable Investment You'll Ever Make

How much is a human life worth? If there was a way you can potentially save a life - perhaps even your own -- with an investment of just ,000, would you make the deal? Of course you would! Thanks to enhanced technology and rapidly dropping prices, now everyone can have access to the amazing lifesaving devices known as an automated external defibrillator, or AED.

An AED is a lightweight, portable device that can jumpstart a victim's heart by using an electrical pulse called a biphasic shock. Guiding the rescuer with a combination of simple and clear voice, text and graphical instructions, AEDs do nearly all of the work, enabling practically anyone save a life!

According to the AED resource Web site Start A Heart, the devices are increasingly found today in a variety of surroundings, including schools, public buildings and airports all over the country. Many medical professionals consider AEDs to be more effective and easier to use than CPR, especially since even an untrained layman can successfully restart a heart with just the push of a button. This is excellent news for anyone who experiences heart problems in the vicinity of an AED. Although emergency crews are generally quick to respond to heart attack victims, the time that elapses is often too great for individuals who are suffering from heart failure. If you worry about the risk of you, a loved one or coworker suffering from a heart attack, you should consider purchasing an AED for your home or office to provide piece of mind.

Schools are quickly jumping on the AED bandwagon as well, choosing to invest in defibrillators to ensure the safety and protection of their students, teachers, faculty, and parents. These devices can be quite handy when faced with a teenager in cardiac arrest due to an unknown heart problem that is aggravated during a sporting event or activity. Many teens have fortunately been given a fantastic second chance at life by an AED.

Though many AEDs are never used, you'll want be sure you have a high quality and well maintained model in case the day every comes when you need to save someone's life. Quality defibrillators, such as the Phillips HeartStart and Defibtech Lifeline cost around ,250, while higher end models from Welch Allyn and Medtronic are just a bit over ,000. You can often find a used or refurbished AED for under ,000. While most units will simply sit around for years gathering dust, make sure that you follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance so that your AED will properly function should the call to duty ever come. The life your defibrillator someday saves could even be your own!

AED: The Most Valuable Investment You'll Ever Make

Promotional Victorinox Cybertool

Monday 10 October 2011

Orthopedic Equipment - New Developments Offer Hope

!±8± Orthopedic Equipment - New Developments Offer Hope

Are you aware of how many bones are there in the human foot? I can not give an exact number, but it's damn much, and that's for sure. This is an important reason why so many people suffer from sore tired feet. There are more moving parts in a machine, the more likely something is going to wear out or break.

Orthopedic Belt

A recent development in the type of orthopedic devices, appear on the scene, is something that is commonly referred to asOrthopedic Belt. No, not worn around the waist or even walk for that matter, because it goes on the treadmill.

Mitigate the effects

In fact, his big thick black belt, you are on, if you go with your treadmill. Basically, what is an orthopedic belt, is a special padded strap designed to minimize the impact on other people's lower body, including her feet when you are using to reduce their treadmill.

Orthopedic devices are effective?

So reallywork? Do they in fact lessen the chances of slowly damaging any one of those millions and millions of bones in your feet? That depends on who you ask and who's studies you read. If you ask the manufacturers of standard good old fashioned rock hard belts they will tell you that they are just a gimmick.

They Function By Lessening Impact

They might even tell you to "man up" and accept the fact that your feet are going to wear out, just like your grandpa's did. However; ask a podiatrist or a orthopedic surgeon and they will most likely that anything that lessens the impact on your feet is a help.

Standard Equipment on Every Treadmill

Orthopedic belts are available now that can fit every make and model of treadmill that is currently manufactured. However; only one manufacturer of treadmills equips all their treadmills with padded orthopedic bets and that is the makers of Bowflex treadmills.

Orthopedic Equipment - New Developments Offer Hope

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